.NET for Apache Spark – MQTT Streaming

.NET for Apache Spark 0.4.0 was released recently. Therefore, it is now time to test, if it can be used for MQTT Streaming as well.

If you followed my series about a real-time data processing pipeline, you probably remember that I have used Apache Bahir to retrieve streaming data from Apache ActiveMQ via the MQTT protocol. The data itself was generated by IanniX and forwarded to ActiveMQ utilizing my osc2activemq docker image.

Preparing .NET for Apache Spark for MQTT Streaming

For the most parts, you can follow this quick intro tutorial, which walks … more

Real-time data processing pipeline – Part 4 – data transformation

So far, we know how to get our streaming data from ActiveMQ into Spark by using Bahir. On this basis, it is now time to implement the data transformation required to get to the desired output format.


As a quick reminder, here is the Scala code that I have used so far to retrieve the data from ActiveMQ and write it to a memory sink.


import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

// create a named session
val spark = SparkSession

// read data from the OscStream topic
val mqttDf = 

ActiveMQ, Spark & Bahir – Real-time data processing pipeline – Part 3

ActiveMQ, Spark & Bahir - Real-time data processing pipeline – Part 3

Having explained how to visually simulate sensor data and how to get it into ActiveMQ during the first two parts, it is now time to explore an initial setup that allows Apache Spark to read a data stream from ActiveMQ using Bahir.

Things to be aware of

Before we start, there are a couple of things you should be aware of, in case you want to follow along and try this out yourself.

Spark & Bahir version matching

Apache Bahir Spark Extensions 2.3.3

As stated above, I would like to subscribe to an ActiveMQ topic with Apache Bahir to transfer

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