Build .NET for Apache Spark with VS Code in a browser

Build .NET for Apache Spark with VS Code in a browser

My last article explained how you can use .NET for Apache Spark together with Entity Framework to stream data to an SQL Server. There is one caveat though. You have to build Microsoft.Spark.Worker yourself.
This time I’ll show you how you can actually build .NET for Apache Spark with VS Code in a browser yourself, including building and running the C# examples.

Setting up your own development environment to build and test .NET for Apache Spark can be tricky and time-consuming. However, as a regular reader, you are probably aware that I like to use docker … more

.NET for Apache Spark Docker Image available on GitHub

.NET for Apache Spark Docker Image available on GitHub

I am really honored by the fact, that a lot of people seem to use my .NET for Apache Spark docker image to explore how C# and Apache Spark can work together, for example.

Additionally, I am getting a lot of request lately, asking whether I would be willing to share the code for creating the images.

And finally, after tidying it up a bit (e.g. removing the experimental Windows support), it is now available on GitHub.

So thanks to everyone who made this image such a success and of course you are very welcome to … more

.NET for Apache Spark – VSCode with Docker on Linux and df.Collect()

.NET for Apache Spark docker image


My last article explained, how a .NET for Apache Spark project can be debugged in Visual Studio 2019 under Windows. I have also mentioned some limitation at the end of the article.
In this article I will extend the project a bit and demonstrate the aforementioned limitation using version 0.8.0 of my docker image for .NET for Apache Spark.
Furthermore, I will show a possible workaround that can be used, if you are running Docker and Visual Studio Code under Linux (Ubuntu 18.04).

The extended application

In order to demonstrate the issue, I have … more

Quick Tip – CIFS Verzeichnis-Freigabe in Linux verwenden

Es ist immer wieder mal notwendig, Daten zwischen Windows und Linux auszutauschen und es gibt dazu mittlerweile eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten.

In diesem Beitrag werde ich kurz erläutern, wie man ein Windows Verzeichnisfreigabe auch unter Linux verwenden kann. Für dieses Beispiel verwende ich einen Windows Server 2016 und Ubuntu 18.04.

Im ersten Schritt wird unter Windows die Freigabe des Verzeichnisses mit den entsprechenden Berechtigungen aktiviert.

Der Zugriff darauf sollte zunächst von einem anderen Windows Rechner aus getestet werden.

Funktioniert dies, so wird in Ubuntu ein Mount-Point für dieses Verzeichnis angelegt.

mkdir /mnt/shared-data

Danach kann das Verzeichnis … more

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