Real-time data processing pipeline – Part 4 – data transformation

So far, we know how to get our streaming data from ActiveMQ into Spark by using Bahir. On this basis, it is now time to implement the data transformation required to get to the desired output format.


As a quick reminder, here is the Scala code that I have used so far to retrieve the data from ActiveMQ and write it to a memory sink.


import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

// create a named session
val spark = SparkSession

// read data from the OscStream topic
val mqttDf = spark.readStream 

mqttDf.printSchema // print the schema of the received data

val memQuery = mqttDf.writeStream 


In the last article, I have just verified the connection to ActiveMQ, but this time I start up IanniX and submit some test data, after I executed the stream processing.

Simulating data via IanniX
Simulating data via IanniX

Checking the status of our streaming query now indeed shows that we are processing new data.

The query status confirms that we are processing new data
The query status confirms that we are processing new data

Very good. But how does the data actually look like?

To figure that out, I execute the following command in a new Zeppelin paragraph.


val raw = spark.sql("select * from memQuery")

And this is the result:

Spark data transformation - Example output of the initial data
Example output of the initial data

Let’s compare this with the data that is published to ActiveMQ via OSC2ActiveMQ using the highest verbosity level

osc2activemq with highest verbosity level

What we get is the sensor timestamp at index 0, the sensor id at index 1 and the sensor value at index 2. All of this is submitted as one message per data set and ends up in the payload column in Spark, in some binary format.


As our data is not provided as a plain text string, this needs to be the first step in our transformation pipeline.

Luckily enough, the Bahir documentation provides an example of how this can be accomplished.

Example: converting the binary payload to string
Example: converting the binary payload to string

Using this method additionally drops any other column as well, which is exactly what I want.

So let’s apply this to our query data.


val raw = spark.sql("select * from memQuery")
val payloadDf = raw.selectExpr("CAST(payload AS STRING)").as[String]
payloadDf.printSchema, false)

And what we get is:

Spark data transformation - converted payload

Great stuff!
As we can see now, all the data is stored in one string that is separated by a semicolon. Therefore, I need to split this up into multiple columns as a next step.


val raw = spark.sql("select * from memQuery")
val payloadDf = raw.selectExpr("CAST(payload AS STRING)").as[String]
val split_col = payloadDf.withColumn("payload", split(col("payload"), ";")) 
split_col.printSchema, false)
Spark data transformation - Payload converted to an array of string
Payload converted to an array of string

The output of printSchema now shows that the string was successfully converted to a string of arrays. Now, all that is left is to turn each element of the array into its own column.

Since my days back, when I was working with Perl, I am a big fan of regular expressions. So here is the new code making use of them in Scala.


val raw = spark.sql("select * from memQuery")
val payloadDf = raw.selectExpr("CAST(payload AS STRING)").as[String]
val split_col = payloadDf.withColumn("payload", split(col("payload"), ";")) 

val address = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(0), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")
val sensor_time = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(1), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")
val sensor_id = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(2), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")
val sensor_value = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(3), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")

val res = split_col
    .withColumn("address", address)
    .withColumn("sensor_time", sensor_time)
    .withColumn("sensor_id", sensor_id)
    .withColumn("sensor_value", sensor_value cast DoubleType)

res.printSchema, false)
Spark data transformation - almost there
… almost there …

Almost there. Only two more things that I want to do.
1. Drop the payload column
2. Filter out data that doesn’t have “/cursor” in the address field.

So here is the final transformation code


val raw = spark.sql("select * from memQuery")
val payloadDf = raw.selectExpr("CAST(payload AS STRING)").as[String]
val split_col = payloadDf.withColumn("payload", split(col("payload"), ";")) 

val address = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(0), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")
val sensor_time = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(1), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")
val sensor_id = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(2), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")
val sensor_value = regexp_replace(split_col.col("payload").getItem(3), "\\[\\w+\\]:", "")

val res = split_col
    .withColumn("address", address)
    .withColumn("sensor_time", sensor_time)
    .withColumn("sensor_id", sensor_id)
    .withColumn("sensor_value", sensor_value cast DoubleType)
    .where("address = '/cursor'")
res.printSchema, false)
Spark data transformation - The data in its final stage
The data in its final stage

Exactly what I wanted. Great!

What’s next

We successfully used some of Spark’s data transformation capability, and the built in memory sink, to get the data in a state that can be used for further processing.

Next time I will show how persist the transformed data in a database.

Thanks again for your time and hope you stop by again soon!


  1. […] Part 4 – Data transformation […]

  2. […] I have demonstrated how streaming data can be read and transformed in Apache Spark. This time I use Spark to persist that data in […]

  3. […] Data transformation […]

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